
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

How to Spot Early Signs of Cardiac Arrest

There is no getting around it - cardiac arrest and terrifying reality. It can strike without warning and killed in less than ten minutes, and it is fatal at least 90% of the time (outside of hospitals). It strikes more than 350,000 US per year (again, outside of hospitals), including older women, and middle-aged men, and adolescents that look good health. [1] Before panicking, however, it is important to know that there are risk factors often can be identified, and sometimes the warning signs of an impending episode, and always steps that can be taken to help a person suffering from heart disease developed

نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪How to Spot Early Signs of Cardiac Arrest‬‏

If you experience a heart attack, there's nothing you can do for yourself because you will be unconscious within seconds. You must be aware of the signs of a loop current cardiac arrest and share it with those around you, so that everyone is prepared to work immediately.
Someone is facing collapse and become unresponsive almost immediately cardiac arrest. She would not respond to taps on the shoulder or verbal commands. The pulse and breathing non-existent or very faint (perhaps with some shallow gasping for air). The clock starts ticking at the same time - brain damage can begin almost immediately, and Death can occur within 4-6 Mente

As mentioned, every second counts with cardiac arrest. If you see someone collapse and note other signs of cardiac arrest likely, you absolutely must act without delay if you want to have any chance to save the life of that person. Anyone, anywhere - including you - can be a lifesaver. [4] If you are alone with someone, do the following:
Call 911 or emergency services number immediately
Access to external automatic defibrillator remover (AED) if one is close by, and used according to instructions.
"Practical training begins only" cardiac pulmonary resuscitation, doing chest compressions strong in payments 100-120 per minute (if you're not sure how fast this, try to do it to the beat of a song Bee Ji in "sixty" alive. "
Continue without interruption until assistance in case of emergency kick

If you see people in the collapse of a crowd of cardiac arrest suspects, and someone who is knowledgeable clearly does not immediately take charge, accelerate yourself and behave aggressively. Give certain people and clear roles and immediately begin procedures to save the life of the victim. Now is not the time to be shy and quiet, and polite. [5] when there are other people around: # * take responsibility - for one person to call 911, and another to bring a AED (assign roles clearly)
"Practical training begins only" CPR immediately
Stop doing the pressure with another person available once the tires
Never stop pressure on (except when using the AED - and even then, continue until the AED is ready to analyze and even they are applying platforms, and continue to press) until help kick

Nearly half of all people who suffer from cardiac arrest have no prior warning signs. However, the majority of these people have the risk can be identified for this case factors. It is therefore essential that you know if you are in a high risk of cardiac arrest. [6] [7] cardiac arrest is not the same as a heart attack or coronary heart disease, but it shares many of the same risk factors. These include:
Family History
Stable pattern of life
Excessive alcohol consumption
Cardiac arrest or previous heart attack
Increasing age (65 and older)
Andrology (men are 2.3 times more likely)
The use of illicit drugs
Nutritional imbalance (such as low potassium or magnesium)

While half of all people who suffer cardiac arrest have no prior symptoms, and the other half do. The problem is that the symptoms can be vague, mild, and often are ignored as easily as indigestion, flu, or anything else. Especially if you are at high risk for a heart attack, do not minimize or ignore possible symptoms. [8] [9]
Can warn of an impending heart attack signs occur within 24 hours of the event, sometimes even up to a month in advance. They can include: chest pain. Heart palpitations; irregular heartbeat; breathing or shortness of breath. Fainting, dizziness, or dizziness, flu-like symptoms (nausea, abdominal or back) pain.

If you are in a high risk of a heart attack and you are experiencing any of the symptoms, "warning sign" on an ongoing basis, the services of emergency contact immediately. If you are in a high risk and the experience of them accidental, contact your doctor immediately and contact the emergency services if necessary. [10]
If you were not at a high risk of a heart attack, but suffers from the symptoms of "warning signal", consult your doctor. Not simply ignore the signs because you bear the stroke can not happen to you.
Even without symptoms or risk factors are clear, it may be a good idea to conduct a risk assessment with your doctor to determine your chances of suffering from cardiac arrest.
Unfortunately, the numbers are not pretty when it comes to cardiac arrest. When it happens outside the hospital perimeter, and cardiac arrest is fat

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