
Thursday, January 15, 2015

How to Stop Severe Diarrhea

Diarrhea can be the experience of a very unpleasant and uncomfortable and complete with frequent bowel movements, stool watery, and abdominal pain. The definition of acute diarrhea in 10 or more loose, watery stools during the 24-hour period. [1] Most bouts of severe diarrhea lasts 1-3 days. Acute diarrhea can leave you dehydrated disturb balance your electrolytes, leaving you open to complications. If you suspect you are suffering from severe diarrhea, see your doctor in 24-48 hours to see if the diarrhea is the result of a medical disorder, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, colon cancer, or colon Sinderm
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It is often best to let severe diarrhea run its course until your body to rid itself of the bacteria that cause diarrhea. But you can also try taking medication to help slow the diarrhea. You can get a Pepto-Basmol-the-counter at your local pharmacy. It has anti-bacterial effects of light and slows diarrhea. Follow the instructions naming dose Anformte

Psyllium fiber can be an effective treatment for severe diarrhea because they can help to absorb water in the intestine and make the stool firmer.
If you are an adult, we have 2.5 to 30 grams (, 1/9 oz) per day in divided doses. You can take the psyllium when you are pregnant or nursing.
If you are a child, aged six years to 11 years, it has a 1.25 to 15 grams (0.044 to 0.53 ounces) per day orally in divided doses.

Sometimes, it can be the cause of severe diarrhea medications that are already taking for other medical issues. Talk to your doctor about your medicines to rule them out as the reasons for your severe diarrhea.
If the drug causes severe diarrhea, the doctor may switch medication or suggest a lower dose.

Diarrhea can lead to a significant loss of water in your body. Prevent dehydration by having eight to 10 eight glasses of water a day to replace the fluids lost Mahal. [3]
You can see if you are getting enough fluids by doing the pinch test, known medically as swelling of the skin test. Use your fingers to pinch part of the skin on the back of your hand, lower arm, or the abdominal area and keep them for a few seconds. Make sure the skin tents upward. The release of the skin after a few seconds. If the skin snaps back quickly to normal, you are well hydrated. If the skin stays up tents and enjoy back slowly, and you're probably dehydrated. [4]
You can also find out if you are getting enough fluids by checking the color of your urine. If the urine appears darker than usual, and drink more water. If you are well hydrated, and will appear bright yellow urine.
The water alone is not always fix the drought more severe. Try adding a little sugar or honey with a dash of salt to the water you drink, or supplementary to have eight to 10 glasses with the electrolyte solution is available in local pharmacies. Can correct the dissolved electrolyte imbalances often helps the body to "reboot" after a bout of severe diarrhea.

The fiber helps slow down the diarrhea by allowing your body to absorb water, making stool firmer. Stay away from fats and oils, or spicy foods that contain fiber and go for light food high in fiber. Do you have brown rice with vegetables, barley, or whole grains such as oats or other grain quinoa.
Cook grains in chicken broth or miso light. Use a ratio of 2: 1, with twice the amount of liquid used in one cup of cereal. For example, do you cook ½ cup barley in 2 cups of chicken broth.
Do you have a well-cooked, and starchy vegetables such as potatoes, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and winter squash.
You can also have fresh vegetable juice such as carrots or celery juice. Dilute vegetable juice with an equal amount of water.

BRAT diet can help to increase the weight of your stool, providing the nutrients have been lost due to diarrhea and vomiting any. Diet consists BRAT consists of: [5]
Apple juice
Toast (whole grains)
You can also eat pretzels to help reduce any nausea or vomiting may experience, and ginger beer are often useful in reducing the symptoms of nausea.

Your body will also loose salt when you have severe diarrhea. Add a pinch of salt to the liquid you're drinking or gaseous, and solid foods you are eating to replace vital minerals in the body shop. You can use table salt or sea salt. [6]

You can find probiotics such as Lactobacillus GG, acidophilus, and bifidobacteria in local pharmacies. Probiotics are "friendly" gut bacteria that help maintain a healthy gut. Taking them while you are suffering from diarrhea allows bacteria to "friendly" to compete with pathogenic bacteria. [7] [8]
You can also add milk to your diet to increase the active cultures in your stomach and respond to disease-causing bacteria in the gut.

Herbal teas such as ginger tea can help settle an upset stomach and face any bouts of nausea that may occur due to diarrhea. [9]
Ginger tea is safe for pregnant women and nursing mothers. Children can more than two years of age have mild ginger tea or ginger flat non-invasive. Not ginger tea

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