
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

How to Spot Early Signs of Cardiac Arrest

There is no getting around it - cardiac arrest and terrifying reality. It can strike without warning and killed in less than ten minutes, and it is fatal at least 90% of the time (outside of hospitals). It strikes more than 350,000 US per year (again, outside of hospitals), including older women, and middle-aged men, and adolescents that look good health. [1] Before panicking, however, it is important to know that there are risk factors often can be identified, and sometimes the warning signs of an impending episode, and always steps that can be taken to help a person suffering from heart disease developed

نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪How to Spot Early Signs of Cardiac Arrest‬‏

If you experience a heart attack, there's nothing you can do for yourself because you will be unconscious within seconds. You must be aware of the signs of a loop current cardiac arrest and share it with those around you, so that everyone is prepared to work immediately.
Someone is facing collapse and become unresponsive almost immediately cardiac arrest. She would not respond to taps on the shoulder or verbal commands. The pulse and breathing non-existent or very faint (perhaps with some shallow gasping for air). The clock starts ticking at the same time - brain damage can begin almost immediately, and Death can occur within 4-6 Mente

As mentioned, every second counts with cardiac arrest. If you see someone collapse and note other signs of cardiac arrest likely, you absolutely must act without delay if you want to have any chance to save the life of that person. Anyone, anywhere - including you - can be a lifesaver. [4] If you are alone with someone, do the following:
Call 911 or emergency services number immediately
Access to external automatic defibrillator remover (AED) if one is close by, and used according to instructions.
"Practical training begins only" cardiac pulmonary resuscitation, doing chest compressions strong in payments 100-120 per minute (if you're not sure how fast this, try to do it to the beat of a song Bee Ji in "sixty" alive. "
Continue without interruption until assistance in case of emergency kick

If you see people in the collapse of a crowd of cardiac arrest suspects, and someone who is knowledgeable clearly does not immediately take charge, accelerate yourself and behave aggressively. Give certain people and clear roles and immediately begin procedures to save the life of the victim. Now is not the time to be shy and quiet, and polite. [5] when there are other people around: # * take responsibility - for one person to call 911, and another to bring a AED (assign roles clearly)
"Practical training begins only" CPR immediately
Stop doing the pressure with another person available once the tires
Never stop pressure on (except when using the AED - and even then, continue until the AED is ready to analyze and even they are applying platforms, and continue to press) until help kick

Nearly half of all people who suffer from cardiac arrest have no prior warning signs. However, the majority of these people have the risk can be identified for this case factors. It is therefore essential that you know if you are in a high risk of cardiac arrest. [6] [7] cardiac arrest is not the same as a heart attack or coronary heart disease, but it shares many of the same risk factors. These include:
Family History
Stable pattern of life
Excessive alcohol consumption
Cardiac arrest or previous heart attack
Increasing age (65 and older)
Andrology (men are 2.3 times more likely)
The use of illicit drugs
Nutritional imbalance (such as low potassium or magnesium)

While half of all people who suffer cardiac arrest have no prior symptoms, and the other half do. The problem is that the symptoms can be vague, mild, and often are ignored as easily as indigestion, flu, or anything else. Especially if you are at high risk for a heart attack, do not minimize or ignore possible symptoms. [8] [9]
Can warn of an impending heart attack signs occur within 24 hours of the event, sometimes even up to a month in advance. They can include: chest pain. Heart palpitations; irregular heartbeat; breathing or shortness of breath. Fainting, dizziness, or dizziness, flu-like symptoms (nausea, abdominal or back) pain.

If you are in a high risk of a heart attack and you are experiencing any of the symptoms, "warning sign" on an ongoing basis, the services of emergency contact immediately. If you are in a high risk and the experience of them accidental, contact your doctor immediately and contact the emergency services if necessary. [10]
If you were not at a high risk of a heart attack, but suffers from the symptoms of "warning signal", consult your doctor. Not simply ignore the signs because you bear the stroke can not happen to you.
Even without symptoms or risk factors are clear, it may be a good idea to conduct a risk assessment with your doctor to determine your chances of suffering from cardiac arrest.
Unfortunately, the numbers are not pretty when it comes to cardiac arrest. When it happens outside the hospital perimeter, and cardiac arrest is fat

Thursday, January 15, 2015

How to Stop Severe Diarrhea

Diarrhea can be the experience of a very unpleasant and uncomfortable and complete with frequent bowel movements, stool watery, and abdominal pain. The definition of acute diarrhea in 10 or more loose, watery stools during the 24-hour period. [1] Most bouts of severe diarrhea lasts 1-3 days. Acute diarrhea can leave you dehydrated disturb balance your electrolytes, leaving you open to complications. If you suspect you are suffering from severe diarrhea, see your doctor in 24-48 hours to see if the diarrhea is the result of a medical disorder, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, colon cancer, or colon Sinderm
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It is often best to let severe diarrhea run its course until your body to rid itself of the bacteria that cause diarrhea. But you can also try taking medication to help slow the diarrhea. You can get a Pepto-Basmol-the-counter at your local pharmacy. It has anti-bacterial effects of light and slows diarrhea. Follow the instructions naming dose Anformte

Psyllium fiber can be an effective treatment for severe diarrhea because they can help to absorb water in the intestine and make the stool firmer.
If you are an adult, we have 2.5 to 30 grams (, 1/9 oz) per day in divided doses. You can take the psyllium when you are pregnant or nursing.
If you are a child, aged six years to 11 years, it has a 1.25 to 15 grams (0.044 to 0.53 ounces) per day orally in divided doses.

Sometimes, it can be the cause of severe diarrhea medications that are already taking for other medical issues. Talk to your doctor about your medicines to rule them out as the reasons for your severe diarrhea.
If the drug causes severe diarrhea, the doctor may switch medication or suggest a lower dose.

Diarrhea can lead to a significant loss of water in your body. Prevent dehydration by having eight to 10 eight glasses of water a day to replace the fluids lost Mahal. [3]
You can see if you are getting enough fluids by doing the pinch test, known medically as swelling of the skin test. Use your fingers to pinch part of the skin on the back of your hand, lower arm, or the abdominal area and keep them for a few seconds. Make sure the skin tents upward. The release of the skin after a few seconds. If the skin snaps back quickly to normal, you are well hydrated. If the skin stays up tents and enjoy back slowly, and you're probably dehydrated. [4]
You can also find out if you are getting enough fluids by checking the color of your urine. If the urine appears darker than usual, and drink more water. If you are well hydrated, and will appear bright yellow urine.
The water alone is not always fix the drought more severe. Try adding a little sugar or honey with a dash of salt to the water you drink, or supplementary to have eight to 10 glasses with the electrolyte solution is available in local pharmacies. Can correct the dissolved electrolyte imbalances often helps the body to "reboot" after a bout of severe diarrhea.

The fiber helps slow down the diarrhea by allowing your body to absorb water, making stool firmer. Stay away from fats and oils, or spicy foods that contain fiber and go for light food high in fiber. Do you have brown rice with vegetables, barley, or whole grains such as oats or other grain quinoa.
Cook grains in chicken broth or miso light. Use a ratio of 2: 1, with twice the amount of liquid used in one cup of cereal. For example, do you cook ½ cup barley in 2 cups of chicken broth.
Do you have a well-cooked, and starchy vegetables such as potatoes, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and winter squash.
You can also have fresh vegetable juice such as carrots or celery juice. Dilute vegetable juice with an equal amount of water.

BRAT diet can help to increase the weight of your stool, providing the nutrients have been lost due to diarrhea and vomiting any. Diet consists BRAT consists of: [5]
Apple juice
Toast (whole grains)
You can also eat pretzels to help reduce any nausea or vomiting may experience, and ginger beer are often useful in reducing the symptoms of nausea.

Your body will also loose salt when you have severe diarrhea. Add a pinch of salt to the liquid you're drinking or gaseous, and solid foods you are eating to replace vital minerals in the body shop. You can use table salt or sea salt. [6]

You can find probiotics such as Lactobacillus GG, acidophilus, and bifidobacteria in local pharmacies. Probiotics are "friendly" gut bacteria that help maintain a healthy gut. Taking them while you are suffering from diarrhea allows bacteria to "friendly" to compete with pathogenic bacteria. [7] [8]
You can also add milk to your diet to increase the active cultures in your stomach and respond to disease-causing bacteria in the gut.

Herbal teas such as ginger tea can help settle an upset stomach and face any bouts of nausea that may occur due to diarrhea. [9]
Ginger tea is safe for pregnant women and nursing mothers. Children can more than two years of age have mild ginger tea or ginger flat non-invasive. Not ginger tea

How to Treat Skin Conditions with Tea Tree Oil

Although medical science has not yet confirmed the use of essential oils to treat medical conditions, and many people find using home remedies such as tea tree oil on a common skin conditions to be helpful. Tea tree oil is derived from the Australian tea tree leaves (Melaleuca alternifolia). [1] This essential oil has a powerful antibiotic, antimicrobial, antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties that make it a suitable solution for skin conditions. It should always be diluted with water or other oil before applying to the skin.
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The use of tea tree oil on psoriasis. Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that creates an extra layer of skin, especially on the scalp and nail disorder, and sometimes the joints. There is no cure. Essential oil has been known tea tree to reduce the spread of psoriasis due to its anti-inflammatory. [2]
There are no published research to support the effectiveness of tea tree oil to use psoriasis, although it may still be worth a try.
Mixing a few drops of tea tree oil with a few drops of a carrier oil such as coconut or almond oil. Rub this mixture on the affected skin, leaving it for a few moments before washing it with soap and water. Pat dry and rub it on the Tea Tree Lotion treats psoriasis.

Rub tea tree oil on the acne. Many people use tea tree oil to treat acne outbreaks. One study compared tea tree oil to use benzoyl peroxide as the treatment of acne. The study showed that while I worked a little better peroxide and tea tree oil had fewer side effects. [3]
Often it is used tea tree oil because of its ability to reduce the redness and inflammation associated with acne. [4]
For the first time, wash your face. Then soak a piece of cotton, a cotton ball or cotton pad in water before applying one or two drops of tea tree oil on it. Rub the affected skin with this cotton, and leave it for a few minutes, then wash it off and pat dry.
It uses this property the same anti-inflammatory properties of tea tree oil to treat eczema and soothe the redness of rosacea.
You can find acne wash and lotions that contain tea tree oil at the store, or you can make some yourself.

Alleviate the rash. Outbreaks such as scabies, hemorrhoids, and contact allergies such as poison ivy, poison oak or sumac all make you suffer from skin rashes, and everyone to take advantage of tea tree oil. Antibacterial properties and anti-inflammatory tea tree oil in a pool to relieve the itching and swelling that comes with this rash. [5]
Make your own rash treatment by mixing 5-6 drops of tea tree oil with one tablespoon of coconut oil and store it in a colorful room temperature in a glass jar. Massage a small amount to any rash, then wash it off after a few minutes.
If you think you might come in contact with poison ivy or her brothers and sisters, wash the skin with soap and water to reduce your two feathers

Remove the skin marks. A powerful anti-inflammatory properties of tea tree oil also works to get rid of skin tags. To do so, take a cotton ball completely wet (soaked in water), and drip 3 drops of tea tree oil on it. The application of this cotton ball directly on your skin card by rubbing in a circular motion for a minute or two, and repeat the process two times a day until the skin marker disappear. [7]
It can take up to 10 days to see results.

Soothe burns and other wounds. It is well known that the antibiotic properties of tea tree oil to soothe burns only, but to prevent skin wounds from becoming infected. This includes a wide range of skin sores, minor burns from the kitchen to puncture wounds to open sores to sunburn. [8]
Mixing a few drops of tea tree oil with a carrier oil and alternative run the burn under cold water and rub the mixture of tea tree oil for ten minutes.

Try on corn. Traditionally, tea tree oil effective in the treatment of corn. Corn is the bumps that usually occur on the feet. It is characterized by a thick layer of skin that is tender to the touch. [9]
Tea tree oil can be rubbed on with a cotton ball wet or in a carrier oil such as olive oil or coconut to reduce the swelling and irritation. After allowing for the rest of tea tree oil to corn a few minutes, and wash it off.

Treating dandruff. Tea tree oil can be used for dandruff dandruff can be caused by many things that are treated with tea tree oil eczema, fungus, dry skin, to name a few. [10] and apply the same principles that apply to these other skin diseases of tea tree oil and dandruff.
It is tea tree oil, antibiotics, antifungal, antiseptic and the nature of that help dandruff caused by skin diseases.
You can add 10 drops of tea tree oil for a bottle 8 ounce of shampoo, making sure to scrub your roots.
You can also combine a few drops of tea tree with a carrier oil, and rub it into the scalp, making it in 10 minutes or sleep with it (wear a shower cap to bed to prevent the transport of oil). Run a comb on the scalp to relieve chips before shampooing.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

How to Control a Food Addiction

Food addiction is a real and very difficult situation for many people. Foods rich in sugar and fat, and salt can lead to the same reward and pleasure centers in the brain as an addiction like cocaine and heroin materials. If you think you suffer from addiction to unhealthy food, and there are ways to recognize the problem and begin to bring your eating under control.

We know when to stop eating. A telltale sign of food addiction is the inability to control the types of food you eat or ratios. These cravings can lead you to eat well behind satisfy your hunger and become harmful to your health. [1]
Eating greedily. This is a common form of food addiction and involves eating large amounts of foods that contain sugar, salt or fat. You may be unable to say no to some food and eat until you are sick. If you find yourself eating well past that you are no longer hungry, you may be engaging in harmful binge spared

Avoid obsessing on food. Although unhealthy eating habits and often physical labor, its roots can be mental. If you find yourself obsessing about food - its availability, and make sure you have enough- you may have an unhealthy addiction.
Many times people with food addiction became obsessed with the availability of food in all social gatherings. If you go to a party thinking more about making sure you have enough to eat and focus on the availability of certain foods from the company of those around you, you may have a food addiction.

Try to stick to a healthy diet. If you find yourself constantly regiments new diet and is unable to hold on to one try, and this may be a sign that food consumption has more control over your life than you want. The next time you are thinking of trying a new diet to help curb your eating, knowing what gives you more difficult. In many cases, it is the feeling that he could not give up certain foods, this can be an indication of Adsta

Pay attention to how your eating affects you emotionally. Food addiction can have a negative impact on your emotions and lead to mood swings, anxiety, or even depression that stems from the inability to control the food. If you get upset because you eat too much or use food as a means to regulate emotions, it can be signs of food addiction are all these things. [4]
Feeling ashamed weight, self-image.
Eat when you feel depressed or reward during the celebration.
It becomes a concern or emotion when there may not be a particular type or enough food available.

Eating foods that promote a healthy body. Food addiction can cause a lot of health problems and angry, but food cravings. If you see yourself suffering from symptoms related to food addiction, you may want to evaluate how your eating habits encouraging unhealthy habits.
obesity. If you are overweight you are very likely to absorb more food than your body can handle, causing it to excess fat storage. Obesity caused by food addiction can cause a variety of health problems including heart disease and diabetes. Also, once your body has become accustomed to the trigger foods, such as those high in sugar, you are more likely to crave subconsciously in need.
High cholesterol and blood pressure. Sometimes these problems may be genetic, but poor eating habits, especially during indulging in fatty foods can cause cholesterol and blood pressure to rise to unhealthy levels.

Adsta food treat

I realize you have a problem with food. Maintain a patrol of your eating habits, and talk with those around you, take a candid look over the food has a negative effect on your life. In order to walk in the road to recovery, you must first recognize that you have a problem that needs fixed.

Find a therapist that specializes in addiction to food. Once you realize you have a problem with the food that you want to change, you can go about finding help. A therapist can be a great choice to deal with the issues you have, especially one with experience in the food addiction. They will have techniques that help you to understand the root causes of food addiction. [5]
Cognitive behavioral therapy is a common treatment that will help you understand how your mind and style of food and consider re-programming the body to respond differently to food.
Psychotherapy focuses on how interpersonal relationship and personal issues contribute to compulsive eating. By improving communication and relational skills, you can put yourself in a sound social attitudes that make less frequent binge eating.

نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪How to Control a Food Addiction‬‏

Go to a doctor for help. A psychiatrist or a doctor can help in dealing with the psychological and physical symptoms. If the doctor felt that it was necessary, but there are new drugs help control obesity and food addiction, such as Contrave or Topamax. [6]
Food addiction can have biological roots. For example, the hypothalamus properly may not be alerting the body when it is full and no longer hungry. Also, it found low levels of serotonin can be linked to food addiction and compulsive eating. Doctor, either a docto

How to Prevent Head Lice

Head lice is very common and no one is safe from the infested, regardless of hair type, color, sex, age, living conditions. In short, the best way to prevent head lice is to keep the hair from touching other people and lose your hair and the house for signs of lice.
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Avoid direct contact and face-to-head. Common theory why children are more susceptible to head lice adults is that children are less likely to respect personal space. They also may be exposed to situations where contact and face-to-Prime is inevitable, such as class times nap or sit close together in their offices. It's as simple as touching the heads of two children while leaning over a coloring book. Try to leave space between you and the others in order to prevent the spread of head lice.
Contrary to popular belief, head lice do not jump. They actually crawl very fast from one president to another on a lock of hair. While it developed lice eggs on the hair shaft with a glue-like cement in.
We ask the children to do their best to avoid contact and face-to-head. This may mean avoiding games or activities that require them to have contact with the head of each other.

Do not share to touch his head. Lice can also travel to any items or surfaces that have come in contact with the head. Caps, sunglasses, scarves, combs and hair brushes, earphones, headphones, and even chairs can be websites that can Lice can not jump in and out of your head.
Even within families, it's good practice for each member of the family to have their own comb or brush.
In some cases, such as reservoirs and school clothes, hats, scarves and are often stored together in the open. Avoid exposing these elements either by keeping your belongings with you or store away in a bag or backpack.

Keep long hair tied in a ponytail, braid or bun. Long hair can sometimes reach beyond personal space some hair can grow well past the shoulders of someone or even since the fall and get a space of others. Remember tied hair prevents hair from touching the others.
Use hairspray to keep stray hairs in place.
Does not disclose hair ties, clamps or clips with others.

The use of tea tree oil or lavender oil on your scalp. This is a great way to prevent a natural remedy for head lice. These oils as insect repellent and keep head lice away. Use only a few drops on your scalp daily or dilute a few drops in the spray and spritz your hair in a bottle.
Tea tree oil can be very drying to use only as directed on the label.
It can also be tea tree oil can be used for the treatment and removal of head lice.

Regularly check for signs of head lice each week. It means preventing also be on the search for the possible outbreak of lice head. Caught early enough, including the time, you can disable the lice life cycle, which makes it faster and easier treatment. There are several ways to check for head lice that look like sesame seeds, caramel brown, gray and white, which often look like a brown colored dots:
Lather your hair in conditioner and comb through your hair with a comb remove head lice. Every few passes, wipe the comb out on a paper towel and search for points or brown-colored eggs or even the actual bugs. [1]
Lose scalp, especially where converge scalp hair shafts under the direct sun or bright light rays.
Get someone to check around your ear, nape and crown of your head for any signs of lice.
Lose your clothing for signs of lice.

Luggage store in plastic bags. And it can put things like hair brush, hats, scarves, sweaters in plastic bags when you go out in public places, especially if you are sending your children to school. This keeps the lice and plastic bags are easy to throw away before going home.
To be extra cautious, you can throw in your belongings in the refrigerator after returning home. Head lice can not survive in low temperatures. [2]

Clean your belongings when you get home. Use an antiseptic or soap to kill germs and prevent lice from crawling home. Wipe down your bag or backpack and throw the clothes they wore off in the washing machine.

Educate others about prevention of head lice. It's not only important to do your part in preventing head lice from invading your home and your family, but it is also important to educate others on how to prevent and treat head lice.
We urge your school or community to make the prevention of head lice and education available. It's also easy to make an announcement about what is head lice and how to prevent it or make flyers and direct others to resources or treatments that can be accessed.

Change and wash bedding and clothing each week. Wash bed linen and clothing in hot water that is at least 140 degrees F (60 ° C) and dried with heat as well. Effective heat to kill any lice and eggs fell out of your head. [3]
Take non-washables machine for dry cleaning. If you suspect you have been exposed to lice or nits, and let the dry-clean your know so they can take appropriate precautions when cleaning your clothes.

Regularly wash or change the combs and brush, hair ties. These items that come in contact with your head on a daily basis. It's best to clean them once in a while, or swap them for something new, especially hair ties.
Soak hair brush in the diluted bleach or close to boiling hot water for one hour. Be careful also may be some plastic brushes or materials that do not react well to whitening and heat.
Hair removal of hair brush regularly as well. This is also a good way to check to see if you can see any signs of lice or lice eggs.

Vacuum around the house regularly. Headboards, couches, chairs hot for lice to spread points. Be sure to use the vacuum that has a vacuum bag can be disposed of, which you can throw away, especially if you have been exposed to head lice.
And lice do not stay long or survive apart from the host because they need the blood supply to feed and live. There's no need to invest in a strong vacuum cleaner or spend a lot of time cleaning in order to prevent lice.

Chairman of the treatment is not

Check to see if others in your area have lice. If you know your child or student has lice, it is important to check to see if it has been spreading your family or other students. Let your family or classroom know about the possible invasion of lice and urged them to get it checked.
If you find lice in your home, it is important to treat everything in your home to ensure that the lice do not injure others in your family. It should be cleaned up leaves and rooms of people not infected.
If you treat a child or student with lice, it is likely you will have come in contact with lice, too. Get yourself to make sure the lice before, during and after their treatment.

Wash all clothes worn in hot water. Remove all clothing worn by you or infested with head lice and wash all the clothes in the hottest water possible position.
If a garment can not be washed, isolate it in the garbage for several days to weeks to ensure all lice had died. Because there is nothing lice can feed on, and lice die at the end.

Application lice medicine. You can buy more than one prescription or medical lice medication at your local pharmacy, which can sometimes be a pesticide called nits recipe. Be careful to read and follow the instructions of the drug.
If you or whatever infected with lice have long hair, you may need more than one medicine bottle.
Do not use shampoo or conditioner or wash your hair for 1-2 days after using lice medicine.

Allowing the lice medication 8-12 hours of work. [5] If you can still see lice moving around in your hair, do not back down. It can take some time for the medicine to kill all the lice.
If you still see lice moving around after 12 hours, contact your health care professional. We can recommend that you do a second round of treatment or prescribe a different medication lice.

Comb your hair. Most of the drugs will come with a lice comb or you can buy a comb made specifically to check for lice. Because all the dead lice and you are not able to wash your hair in the next few days, it is important to comb the dead lice and eggs from the hair.
Flea combs for pets are a great alternative to lice combs.

Check and comb your hair regularly. Even if successful treatment, it is important for you to comb your hair with a comb lice every 2 to 3 days after treatment to protect yourself from reinfestation.

How to Calm Your Child's Fears of the Dark

Fear of the dark is a common fear for children. As a parent, it is important to provide reassurance to their concerns and communicate that you understand their concerns. Teach your child to be safe in the dark. Use confrontation strategies for children to help them feel comfortable when they are alone at night. By making the bedtime routine is something fun and relaxing, and sleeping in the dark will seem less scary.
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Talk with your child about their fears sleep time. Ask your child what he or she thinks and feels when it's dark. Reassure your child that the normal fears, will be less when they grow up. Be respectful. [1]
Avoid silly to say that their fears. This may make them feel guilt or shame, and it is important to show you support.
And communicating concerns to help your child learn to be open with you. This builds trust with the passage of time.
Consider saying: "I know it feels scary at the moment, and that's normal, but it will get better" or "Tell me what makes you feel scared. How can I help?"

Provide comfort for your child to be safe. Feeling afraid of the dark, fear is a primitive evolutionary. Sleep alone in a separate bedroom is a modern way of life. This practice takes a long time for your child to understand. Be loving, comfortable, and supportive. Reassure them that they are safe with you. [2]
Be an example and demonstrate the confidence that they are safe. Stay calm and sensitivity to the needs of your child.
The desire to avoid excessive attention. If you show concern for their safety, then they may respond by being more worried.
Consider saying: "Do not worry. Is it safe here at home."

Avoid increasing concerns. If your child is afraid of monsters under the bed or anywhere else in the home, do not reinforce these fears by playing along. Children have imaginary fears that you might think is real to them. Young children under the age of 5 have difficulty distinctive fantasy from reality. [3]
Does not promote unintentionally fears scare your child with scary stories of "things that go bump in the night."
The use of reason and logic to help your child learn about their concerns.

Teach your child to face their fears. It is important to teach your child how to face their fears and address the fear of the dark is a good opportunity. You can do this by modeling how to face your fears and comforting a child during the process of the face of fear.
For example, if your child is afraid that there is something under the bed, then go check it out together. Turn on the lights and have your child hold their favorite stuffed animal or your hand to rest. Then, look under the bed for your child. Naming what you see under the bed, like some of the dust, a box of clothes, old game, not monsters.
Keep in mind that you may have to repeat this process over and over again as your child learns how to face their fears and become more self-confident.

Use night. Get a candle for your child's bedroom. Night gives enough light, which helps your child feel comfortable. [4]
It can also be night and placed in the hallways and bathrooms to help calm those fears if it walks out of the room in the dark.
If a candle is not available or disrupt your baby to sleep, leaving the hall light on the child's bedroom door open. This allows little light to enter. You may make your child feel isolated with the door ajar.

Providing an object to companionship. Your child may feel safer with something to ease his or her fears. Consider creating your faces for your child's safety as they learn to sleep on their own. Consider the following:
Large stuffed animals. This can provide comfort to calm fears or anxiety.
Private or other object to provide a security blanket. This may make your child feel more protected.
Pet, like a dog or cat, your child has to sleep with her.
Provide positive reinforcement. Use the tools needed to help them learn to sleep can be a rewarding experience. For young children, and it can be a sticker program that leads to a small prize. It helps to teach the child that he will be rewarded for good behavior. Teach them how to be brave like you with encouragement. [5]
After the lights are out, consider saying something like "You're doing such a good job of staying in bed."
If you listen to your child's fears continued to persist in spite of these technologies. We talk to them about their experiences in the morning.

Teach your child to soothe the soul. There can not be every night to provide positive reinforcement and reassurance for your child. So, it's a good idea to teach your child how to do this for themselves.
Try to teach your child to speak reassuring words for themselves, such as, "I'm safe, I'm brave, I'm going to be ok."
You can also teach your child to do something like rubbing the feet or hands together as soothing tactile or humming the tune comfort to feel safer because they fall asleep.
Your child can also repeat aloud what they found under the bed

How to Lower Triglyceride Levels

There is a known relationship between elevated triglycerides, heart disease and blood vessels. However, the extent of triglyceride direct cause of cardiovascular disease, or have we discussed represent a biomarker of risk for decades. In the United States, it continued to average triglyceride levels to rise over the past fifty years. This has to do with the high incidence of disease, type II diabetes, and insulin resistance, and resistance to obesity. According to the guidelines of American Heart Association lifestyle strategies to be largely ineffective in influencing triglyceride levels. [1] This means that lifestyle changes, along with medicine in some cases, can effectively help reduce triglyceride levels.
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Reduction of refined sugar and simple carbohydrates. To help reduce triglycerides, you should eliminate or limit of refined sugar and simple carbohydrates. These often go hand in hand, with many of both products. These include white flour, white sugar, and carbonated sugary soda, candy, cookies, pastries, breads, cereals, pasta.
Instead, some healthy complex carbohydrates in your diet, such as brown rice, quinoa, millet, barley, whole grain breads include, pasta and whole wheat. And fiber additives in these foods also help in the withdrawal of triglycerides from your system.
You should also avoid any product with high fructose corn syrup because of the sugar content is high. [2] [3]
It is a common misconception that high levels of carbohydrate consumption only affects the blood sugar. Also the effects of triglyceride levels.
Eating fresh foods. Instead of eating junk food or bad setup full of fat and calories trans and saturated, and make a lot of food as you can at home. Fresh vegetables and fruits are much better for you than canned or frozen is better, and that can be hidden ingredients or fat. Fiber and nutrients in fresh fruits and vegetables can help reduce triglyceride levels and help you maintain a healthy weight.
Each of vegetables must be fresh if possible with your budget. When you make it a meal, vegetables should include two-thirds of your plate. [4] [5]
If you can not afford fresh food at the grocery store, look for a farmers' market or cooperative that may have a lower interest rate on fresh produce.
Fruits and vegetables are high in fiber. Fiber is very effective to help lower triglyceride levels.

Eat more protein. Protein can help lower triglyceride levels. Focus on lean, healthy meat, such as skinless chicken, red meat, lean, instead of fatty red meat or chicken unskinned. You can also get your protein from plant sources, such as beans and some legumes and soy products.

Consume healthy fish. Whole fish of omega-3 fatty acids, which are great for reducing triglyceride levels. Integration of fish in your diet at least two to three times a week. This includes fish such as tuna, salmon and mackerel.
This will also help to reduce red meat and other fatty meats.
You can also get Omega-3S of dark green leafy vegetables, flaxseed, walnuts, soy products and beans.

Choose the best fat. Oil that you use can greatly affect the types of fat you eat. Instead of using vegetable oil, use olive oil, peanut, canola oil, walnuts, flax seeds, or coconut oil. These have monounsaturated fats healthy instead, which is much better for your body.
Also avoid products with hydrogenated oils in them. Look at the labels of any store-bought food products to ensure the elimination of any with which these harmful oils. [9] [10]
Contrary to what you might think, and fat is not the enemy. In fact, healthy fats can actually help improve triglyceride levels.

Drink less alcohol. Alcohol raises triglyceride levels. It is also full of empty calories and sugar, which also contribute to high triglyceride levels. An attempt to eliminate completely the consumption of alcohol. If you can not, limit it to one drink a day.
This applies to all types of alcoholic beverages such as beer, wine and alcoholic beverages hard. [1112]

Exercise. Exercise a significant impact on triglyceride levels. The American Heart Association recommends continuous aerobic exercise for 30 minutes at least five days a week, and muscle toning exercises for 20 to 30 minutes twice a week. [13]
Switch up your workout routine so you do not feel bored. Go walking, hiking, jogging, swimming, or cycling. Try yoga classes, spinning, Pilates, or weight lifting. Just keep mixing so as not to get bored.
This will also help you lose weight. Even losing 10 pounds can greatly affect triglyceride levels. Ask your doctor what is the ideal weight for your body type and situation.

Take fibrates. Fibrates are drugs that help lower triglycerides your own that can help in the levels of triglycerides levels. This works best in those who have levels more than 500 mg / dL. Ask your doctor before taking this with any other drugs to avoid side effects.
Try different types, such as gemfibrozil, which should be a dose of 1200 mg per day taken by mouth. You can also try Vinoviberat, taken at a dose of 145 mg orally EV

How to Know if You Have Breast Cancer

Affecting one in eight women, breast cancer is second only to skin cancer in the number of cancer cases each year. This is the second leading cause of cancer death after lung cancer. [1] Although men have less risk than women, it can also be diagnosed with breast cancer. A history of breast cancer in the family makes it especially important to be proactive and be aware of any changes in your breasts. Awareness and early detection increases treatment success 
rates and survival.
نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪How to Know if You Have Breast Cancer‬‏

Understanding the changing research on the usefulness of breast self-examination. In the past, monthly breast self-exams recommended (BSE) to all women. However, in 2009 after the publication of several large studies, the US Preventive Services Task Force against the education of women recommended to do self-examinations consistent and non-official. [2] These studies concluded that the research that BSE does not reduce mortality or increase the number of cancer cases found. [3]
Recommendations by the American Cancer Society and the state of the US Preventive Services Task Force that mad cow disease and should be done at the discretion of women, and to be aware of the restrictions on mad cow disease. Perhaps most importantly, this institution stress how important it is that women be aware of what is normal breast tissue.
In other words, the mad cow disease is not, and should not replace the doctor's examination to detect abnormalities. However, doing mad cow disease that can help you become more aware of what is normal in your breasts and can help you to help your doctor detect changes. Should never be seen as a means of BSE replace breast clinic exam done by dwell

Do visual mad cow disease. You can do it whenever you want, although it's a good idea to do so after the menstrual cycle, when your breasts are least tender and swollen. Try to do it every month at about the same time. In front of the mirror, sit or stand without a shirt or bra on. Raise and lower your arms. Look for any changes in size, shape, tenderness, and the appearance of the breast tissue, and the surrounding area, especially your underarm or armpit area. It can include these changes: [5]
Dimpled skin and curly, like orange skin (known as PEAU de orange).
New redness or scaly rash.
Unusual breast swelling or tenderness.
Nipple changes, such as Undo, itching, or redness.
Nipple discharge, which can be bloody, clear or yellow.

Do manual mad cow disease. The ideal time to do mad cow disease if you are still menstruating is when your breasts are least tender, usually after a few days of the menstrual cycle period ends. [6] You can do the examination either lie down, where most of the breast tissue spreads and thus thinner and easier to feel, or in the bathroom, where soap and water can help your fingers move more smoothly on the breast skin. [7] follow these steps:
Lie down and put your right hand behind your head. Using the first three fingers of your left hand palate (feel) the breast tissue on the right breast. Be sure to use the fingers platforms, not just the very tips. [8]
The use of three different levels of pressure to feel the tissue in the upper part under the skin, in the middle of the breast and pressed deeper to feel close to the chest wall tissues. To make sure all the pressure applied to the level of each area before moving on. [9]
Start at an imaginary line down your side from the underarm and moving in the pattern of ups and downs. Begins his collarbone and move down until it reaches your ribs. Move across to the middle of your body until you feel only sternum (breastbone). It is important that the entire breast examination and in an attempt to be a little systematic in your mad cow disease. [10]
Then, this process is reversed and put your left hand under your head and perform the same exam on your left breast.
Remember that breast tissue extends to an area close to your armpit. Often it called this area of ​​the breast tail can also put blocks or Shankar
Getting comfortable with your breasts. I know how to look and feel. Establish a rapport with them and texture, features, size, and you'll be better able to communicate the changes with your physician.
Advise your partner to report any changes that you may notice. Your partner may notice differences in your breast tissue that you have overlooked since they can see the body from various Angel

Known risk factors. Some people have a greater chance of developing breast cancer than others. Be aware, though, that just because you may fall into one or more of these categories, you're not doomed to develop breast cancer. However, it does not mean that it must be more conscious about your breasts and get a clinical breast examinations and regular mammograms. Some of the factors that indicate a higher risk of the following: [12]
Gender: They are more likely to develop breast cancer than men and women.
Age: increased risk with age. Most people who have had breast cancer more than 45 years.
Menstruation: If menstruation began before they were 12 years old, or entered menopause when you're older than 55

How to Avoid Car Sickness

If you have and carsick, you probably dread every trip on the extended one way. And it can adversely affect your commute or leisure activities with friends. Car sickness is just one kind of motion sickness (or Elkinatoses) that some experience when you're riding in a car. Dizziness, fatigue, cold sweats, nausea are common symptoms of a car. [1] So how do you go about preventing car sickness in the first place? The use of some simple tips and tricks to enjoy the ride, free of the disease.

نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪How to Avoid Car Sickness‬‏

Sitting in the front seat of the car. Doctors believe that the motion sickness caused by a conflict between what the eyes see and how your body is the interpretation of the movement of the car, which uses emerging signals in the inner ear to your own sense of balance. [2] For example, if your eyes looked at the car seat in front of you, but your body feels curves and the speed of the road, you have thrown your inner ear off. This then leads to nausea and dizziness so typical of carsickness. [3] To avoid this feeling, try to focus your eyes on the road in front of you so that your eyes and your body can explain the same information. By sitting in the front seat, you're much less likely to suffer from the discrepancy between what you see and how your body interprets the movement.
Driving the car yourself has the added benefit of giving you something to focus on, and that can distract you from your illness.

Your eyes focused on the horizon. The existence of fixed visual point in front of you will help keep your eyes and the inner ear, nerves of choice. [5] look out the front window and find a fixed point on the horizon, somewhere in the distance. This point can be a mountain, a tree, building, or just a point in space. Focus all your visual attention at this point. Hold your gaze there even if there are bumps and curves and hills. Resist the temptation to look out the side window: only look out of the front window.
If you're in control of the car, make sure you pay attention to the road and surrounding areas cars, as well as to the horizon in front of you.

Quieter. Having a cool, well-ventilated atmosphere help alleviate car sickness as well as the alleviation of symptoms, such as sweating and nausea. If you can, breaking car windows open to create a cross breeze. Instead, you can turn on the air conditioning in the car. Air vents point in your face to get the most benefit. [6]
Ventilation can help reduce food smells in the car. Car of the disease can be exacerbated by strong food study
tabilize head. It can sometimes be difficult to keep your eyes focused on one point when I was a liar, a bumpy car. To achieve stability in your vision, make sure you stabilize your head, too. The rest is against the headrest behind you to keep it still. Neck pillow may also help to keep your head - and therefore your own vision - fixed [

Taking frequent breaks. Get out to stretch your legs. Sit on the bench or under a tree and took a few deep breaths in through the mouth to help you relax. This is especially important during journeys that involve a long distance from the winding roads. Not only stop often help alleviate car sickness, but it is also good for the driver to take a break once in a while. Resume driving when you feel alert and when the dizziness and nausea pass.

Try to nap. Can sleep through your motion sickness also work wonders for a passenger car. You will not be aware of the differences between the visual information and sends signals to your body that it will close your eyes. Many people find that sleep is the best way to get through a long car trip without motion sickness.
If you have difficulty napping in the car, and consider the use of a sleep aid. If you are using a sleep aid, however, you have to be sure that there will be no need to pay you at any time during the flight.
Focus on something else. Distractions are a great way to reduce car sickness, especially for children or those who have to ride in the back seat. Take your mind off of dizziness and nausea by listening to music, singing, or playing a game of 20 questions with your fellow travelers

Saturday, January 10, 2015

How to Treat a Urinary Tract Infection

I do not really think a lot about the importance of your urinary tract when you go to the bathroom. However, when you have a urinary tract infection, you probably have a hard time thinking about anything else. Try some of these ideas for the treatment of urinary tract infection. They range from medical solutions to the ideas at home that will both help you to recover and relieve pain.

Assess your symptoms. Urinary tract infection (UTI) is the most common in women, and Ospbh bacteria in the urinary tract and the urinary bladder. [1] left untreated, the bacteria has the ability to make the way to the kidneys, where it can damage them. Signs that you may have a urinary tract infection and include:
The feeling that you have to go more often, but little or nothing really comes
Pain / burning sensation during urination (indigestion)
Fever and / or chills
Abdominal pain and pain in the pelvic area
Cloudy or unusually colored (dark yellow or greenish) urine
Blood in the urine
Foul-smelling den

نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪How to Treat a Urinary Tract Infection‬‏

Go to your doctor if you think you have a urinary tract infection. You need to get an accurate diagnosis, especially if this is your first injury.
It can be caused by a urinary tract infection by bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites so. And find out the cause of ensuring that you get the appropriate treatment. Your doctor may need to prescribe antibiotics, antifungals and antivirals or even anti-parasite drugs.
You need to know what type of urinary tract infection you have. For example, urethritis is an inflammation of the urethra (the channel that carries urine from the bladder out of the body), while cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder. [2]
Only a doctor can prescribe medications for situations such as spasms of the bladder (eg, atropine), and severe pain. Moreover, only a doctor will be able to determine whether surgery is condemned
Take full of medication that is prescribed for you. Unfortunately, urinary tract infection easily become resistant if you did not finish the antibiotics, [4] and therefore follow the instructions carefully and take all your pills to prevent pregnancy for a specified period of time.
Do not drink alcohol if you are on antibiotics. Weaken its effectiveness.
Stay out of the sun if you are prescribed Bactrim or any sulfa drugs.

Control fever and pain by using more than one prescription acetaminophen, ibuprofen or naproxen sodium. If you have questions about what works best, talk to your doctor. Use of analgesics sparingly.

Taking the drug without a prescription, such as nitrogen record: Fast relief for urinary pain. Note that this drug will turn urine a bright yellowish-orange color.
Ask your doctor if you can take this medicine ahead of time because it may affect the ability of the physician to read the test results. Also check with them before the start of Azo, because some patients experience side effects.
Also makes nitrogen and over-the-counter urinary tract infection test strip. Urinated on Gaza and read the results. Of course, these experiments at home is not perfect. See a doctor as a precaution smart even if you test negative.

Increased fluid in your body. Both during urinary tract infection and after, you need plenty of fluids to flush out the infection and keep you hydrated. Drinking plenty of fluids helps prevent cystitis. [5]
Choose water, non-caffeinated tea, hot lemon water and other health drinks.
Avoid caffeine, which can dehydrate you. Also, avoid sugary drinks and alcohol.

Drink cranberry juice. Choice of juice that has a low sugar or sweetener alternative substance; too much sugar is not useful, nor sweetener makes a very acidic juice. Used in moderation, and will undoubtedly be a healthy and nutritious diet overall.
And cranberry juice does not cure a urinary tract infection, but it might prevent a recurrence, especially in women. [6]
If you have recurrent urinary tract infection, Drink 50-150 ml (1.70 to 5 Florida. Oz.) Per day from 100 percent pure cranberry juice. [7] If it is diluted in the juices, you may need up to quantity.
Drinking cranberry juice cause side effects. For example, you can interact with regular medication and can cause kidney stones. Also, drink more than three liters (101 FL. Oz.) Per day can lead to diarrhea. [8]
Cranberry juice does not work for men, and will not be used to treat urinary tract infection is active. [9]
Take the pill focus cranberries, sugar and cranberry juice just feed for other infections.

Stir 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 1 cup of water and drink it. Baking soda to neutralize the acid in the urine, making urination less painful. Do not overdo it because the baking soda in an imbalance in the balance of flora in the intestine.

Urinating after intercourse, even if you feel tired or not snuggle with your partner. Doing this will expel germs that have found their way into the urethra during sex. Sometimes referred to as UTI joked that "the groom's disease" for it can be associated with sexual intercourse.

Maintaining a high level of fluid intake each day. Drink plenty of water and drink tea, juice diluted (in moderation and preferably not a day with the exception of cranberry juice as described above) and other health drinks.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

How to Get Rid of a Red Eye

Do you look than ever before in the mirror and notice that your eyes were red? If you've been staring at the computer or TV screen for too long, or suffer from allergies, and red-eye reduction can be painful and ugly. Fortunately, there are many ways to reduce the irritation and swelling. Redness of the eye can go hand in hand with dry eye, and even some treatments address both issues. Other problems such as inflammation, infections, and trauma the eye, or a foreign body can cause redness. In those times, it is best to get medical care.
نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪How to Get Rid of a Red Eye‬‏
Do your research on eye drops. [1] [2] There are many different types of eye drops, and recommended every one to different conditions. For example, if you have red eyes and wear contact lenses, low blood vessels constricting may not work. He will not be able to get through the lens to treat your redness.
Most eye drops work by narrowing blood vessels in the eyes. By making the blood vessels smaller, they reduce the redness of the eye. Be careful to use this a lot because your eyes may get dependent on them. Ultimately if you do not use them, and you'll get a rebound redness which makes your eyes all red because it is the nostalgia agents constricting. [3]
Eye drops free portfolio tend to be more natural for you eyes. They come in single-use vials, making it very healthy.

Consult your eye care professional. The best way to choose the right drops is a specialist to talk to you about why your redness. Let him or her diagnose you and choose the best method of treatment.
If redness due to allergies, look for eye drops with antihistamines. Antihistamines can also cause dry eye / redness, so you can couple these drops of artificial tears.
If you have an infection, see your doctor for prescription drops and eye containing antibiotics.
Be careful with the "fighting bacteria" eye drops. Many people are allergic to the preservatives in them. You may make your eyes worse than that!

Use cool compresses on your eyes. Cold water reduces swelling, which causes bloodshot eyes, and will also soothe the eyes of your anger. You can just splash some cold water on your face.
The most common red eyes cause is allergies. The body called histamine that dry the eyes, causing the blood vessels to swell. [4] Cold water reduces blood flow to the eyes and treats some of this inflammation.

Use ice packs or freeze. Another way to use the snow common and effective to calm Bloodshot eyes. [5] ice packs and freeze work the same way cold compresses to do, by reducing swelling and reduce the amount of blood flow to the eyes.
If you do not have a freezer pack, put some ice cubes in a clean cloth. Hold it on your eyes for 4 to 5 minutes.
When you use a very cold as ice or freezer pack products, always protect your eyes with a towel thin cloth. This prevents burning ice.

Waiting outside the blood vessel burst. [6] If you sneeze or cough is very difficult, or even just rubbing your eyes vigorously, you can cause the blood vessels to burst. The doctors call this "bleeding under the conjunctiva." In most cases, you will be affected one eye only, and you will not feel any pain. Blood vessels must heal itself naturally. It can take anywhere from a few days to two weeks.
This can happen if you are taking any blood thinners, and do the heavy lifting, constipated, or engage in any activity that increases the pressure in the head. It can also happen if you have a blood disorder. So if it occurs often, visit your eye doctor. There may be a need for blood tests.
See a doctor if you have any pain, or if you have a chronic disease such as diabetes.

See a doctor if you have pink eye. [7] Just like the name says, pink eye (also known as conjunctivitis) leads the eye to look pink or red. Talk to your doctor immediately if you think you have pink eye. He or she can prescribe eye drops, antibiotics or even a pill by mouth, and this depends on the cause. Pink eye contagious, so wash your hands with water and antibacterial soap, and contact lenses clean well, do not rub your eyes. To make sure you have pink eye, check the following:
Dryness and redness in only one eye, or at least started in the first few days as one-sided, before it spreads.
Have you had a recent viral infection or bacterial (ie ear infection, cold or flu)
It was about a person had pink eye recently.

Prevent eye Redness

Determine the cause redness of the eye. See an eye specialist to get a professional opinion about why your eyes red and irritated. To be able to provide answers to the following questions to help him or her to provide an accurate diagnosis:
Is this a chronic problem or is this the first occurrence?
Do you have any other symptoms of redness of eyes?
Since when was this particular current iteration?
What medications do you take? Include any vitamins or supplements.
Do you drink alcohol or use any drugs?
Do you have any chronic diseases?
What Do you suffer from allergies?
Is he under a lot of stress lately?
Do you ever sleep enough?

How to Cope with an Autism Diagnosis

So the tests are over, the doctor or therapist sits with you, she gives news: it's autism. How do you deal with the diagnosis? This article gives tips to deal both for people who suffer from autism and their parents or guardians.

نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪How to Cope with an Autism Diagnosis‬‏

These tips apply to people who suffer from autism and their families.

Forget everything you think you know about autism. TV, books, documentaries, and other media rarely imagine people who suffer from autism properly. [1] [2] Even so, people who suffer from autism vary widely. And influenced every talented person, or diminish them being autism in a unique way. If you've met one person on the autism spectrum, I have met only one person on the autism spectrum.
Now that you know nothing about autism, and searched. Reading books and articles written by people who suffer from autism. Find out what makes them different, what misconceptions people have concepts, and what treatments are beneficial. People who suffer from autism can paint accurate pictures of what life is like for people who suffer from autism.
Remember, people who suffer from autism are a very diverse group (just like non-autistics). You will read of people with a variety of capacities and needs, and symptoms.

I know that a lot of successful people are autistic. People who suffer from autism write novels, [3] Organizations term, [4] the creation of art, [5] compose music, [6] become athletes, [7] and make contributions to science and mathematics. [8] may be able to get a successful career. You can contribute to society. You may be able to live and work on your own, just like your colleagues. Or they may live in subsidized state, such as the home of the group, with parents or other family members, each according to your abilities, needs and preferences.

Make friends who suffer from autism. Friends of autism, as well as people being cool and fun-loving in general, are essential skills for your adaptation. You can find them in person, by calling autism groups, or spaces autism on the Internet. Here are some ways in which Friends of Autism useful.
They are like-minded. You can bond with people who suffer from autism, the other way is not just possible with non-autistics.
They can exchange adjustment and social skills strategies. People who suffer from autism have direct experience with what works and what does not.
They face challenges with you. Addressing the neurotypical world feels a lot less overwhelming when you have a colleague autistic person by your side.
Show directly that it is possible to be awesome and autism. With all the negative speech on autism, it's easy to forget this.
They accept you who you are.

Identify the challenges you face. People misunderstand you. Others find simple things may be difficult for you terribly. Your life will not be like a picture-perfect images "inspirational" for people with disabilities to do extraordinary things. Sometimes, it's hard to be autistic. There is nothing wrong to feel confused or dissatisfied with your diagnosis, [9] and recognize that your disability makes life more difficult in some respects.
You do not suddenly someone new or different because of the diagnosis. It is believed that autism to be innate. Diagnosis of autism does not change who you are. I was always suffering from autism. But the diagnosis will help to clarify the part of you that is different from most other people. This means accurate diagnosis to help you and others to understand how you are different, and how to meet your needs.
Individuals and families have many different reactions to the diagnosis. It can be scary, because it is something unusual. It can be a relief, as it could explain things that were a mystery before. It can be confusing, because people often have a misunderstanding of autism. A mix of emotions is typical, and it will be fine.

Check the community who suffer from autism on the Internet. Society who suffer from Autism is a welcoming place that provides a positive space to discuss autism. Many people who suffer from autism gather under #askanautistic hash and # actuallyautistic (since family members have taken mostly on autism) mark.
If you are having a rough day or feeling down about autism, go to the society who suffer from autism. I write a lot of things that help.
Consider getting involved in advocacy groups. Some disabled people who suffer from autism and other devote their time to fighting the stigma and shame. Find a set that run partially or entirely by people who suffer from autism. [10]
Non-autistics, are welcome to ask questions under #askanautistic and read from #actuallyautistic (although it is rude for publication in that if you were not autistic, in fact).

Accept that it is okay to be different. Neurological differences does not make you any less of a person. It does not change your intelligence, your dedication, and your compassion. You can be strong and autism at the same time.

Additional tips for parents and Hrgievrs

take a deep breath. It is normal to be worried, confused and uncertain. Diagnosis of big news. Keep in mind that many negative things you've heard about autism is only one part of the picture, and a large group tend to exploit pity for money. [11] [12] [13] it may be difficult at times, but it will be