
Friday, June 19, 2015

How to Get Rid of Cough and Cold

Colds are usually caused by infection, but can cough may be due to a number of things, including infections with viruses, bacteria and fungi. Cough can be either productive - wet cough that produces mucus, or non-productive - dry cough with no mucus. If you have a cold, cough, there are things you can do to help get rid of them.

نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪Treating the Cold and Cough Medically‬‏

Accompanying colds usually from aches and pains. You can take acetaminophen (Tylenol) or NSAIDs (a pet, Advil) to help ease the pain. [1]

Aspirin should not be given to children and adolescents under the age of 19 because of the risk of Reye's syndrome.

You can try OTC cold medicines, but there is very little actual evidence that it works much better than the rest, fluids, and nutrition. OTC medications can help with symptoms, however.

Read the labels of all medicines, talk to your pharmacist about possible interactions. Some medications (such as Claritin- D and Benadryl allergy / cold) contains multiple components. So if you take Benadryl allergy / cold (containing acetaminophen, Finhidramen, phenylephrine), as well as take Tylenol (acetaminophen), you may inadvertently overdose.

Decongestants can help clear the stuffy nose, and can be used in the form of pills or nasal sprays. Do not use this for longer than three days. [2] tried to pseudoephedrine (Sudafed) or oxy Matasulan (Afrin nasal spray).

Antihistamines can be used for cough due to allergies. Antihistamines containing diphenhydramine can make you drowsy. Antihistamines, such as LORATADINE (Claritin, Claritin RediTabs, Alavert), usually do not make you drowsy.

Expectorant cough medicines are wet cough, mucus production and it helps to put up mucus. [3] inhibitors reduce the cough cough.

Topical ointments containing camphor and menthol, such as VapoRub Vick and Mentholatum, have traditionally coughing and sinus congestion used. Just rub a small amount on your chest and around your nose.

If you do not see a doctor and these treatments do not give you any relaxation in 5-7 days, make an appointment to see the doctor. It may be dealing with a more complex situation. If you suffer from certain symptoms, call your doctor for an appointment. These symptoms include: [5]

Cough thick and / or green phlegm, yellow

Wheezing, or that there is a whistling sound at the beginning or end of the breathing

Odd-sounding cough and difficulty breathing at the end of cough

Suffering from fever (over 102 degrees Fahrenheit or 38.9 degrees Celsius in infants three to six months, 103 degrees Fahrenheit or 39.4 degrees Celsius in children and adults)

Experiencing any shortness of breath

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