
Saturday, December 12, 2015

How to Deal With Anxiety

Anxiety is a mental state that everyone has seen from time to time. It is normal to feel stressed before the performance or exam, or even during the busy period in particular or overstimulating. However, chronic anxiety is more than just pressure. If you notice yourself experiencing anxiety for long periods of time, and you can not seem to kick it, take a closer look this might be useful. Anxiety can appear as a mental health disorder, which can lead to debilitating anxiety, panic attacks and social anxiety, and even obsessive-compulsive disorder. [1] If you are concerned may suffer from unhealthy level of concern, it is important to talk to your physician or psychiatrist about your experience.

نتيجة بحث الصور
Eliminating anxiety-inducing food and / or drink from your diet. It sounds simple, but it can change what swallows a day have a big impact on your anxiety levels. If you notice yourself feeling anxious, panic, or stressed every day, is planning at least one for the implementation of these dietary changes. Rethink your consumption of sparking following common concern:
coffee. And "energy drink" the most popular of all time may also be one of the main causes for concern. [2] If you drink coffee every morning, try switching to only decaffeinated tea or water for a few weeks. It may be difficult to give up, but chances are you'll see lower your stress levels during this period of time.
Sugar and starch. Often we see people eat sugary and starchy treats (like ice cream, cakes or pasta) as an option to reduce stress, since convenience foods temporarily provide a sense of calm. However, the rise and fall of blood sugar that occurs after eating these foods can actually cause emotional strain and tension. [3]
Alcohol. After a stressful day at work, many of relaxation and some drinks. Alcohol makes the tension feels far away at the moment, but after eliminating the impact of the temporary feeling of relaxation. Drinking sparingly, and when he did not drink, make sure to hydrate to reduce the chance of getting a hangover very cumbersome.

Integration of mood-enhancing nutrients to your diet. Can maintain your health with a balanced diet go a long way toward stabilizing your mood. If you get the proper nutrients, your body will be better able to ward off anxiety during stressful situations. To avoid the negative psychological effects of the health of coffee, alcohol, sugar, and try to replace these foods with fruits and vegetables.
Consume more high in antioxidant nutrients such as blueberries and acai berries materials. This helps to raise levels of the mood and reduce stress hormones responsible for. [5]
Foods that contain minerals such as magnesium, such as whole grains (pasta, bread), and the root of the Maka, and seaweed. [6] Most people do not get the recommended amount of magnesium, which can lead to a variety of symptoms, including anxiety quantity.
Foods and drinks that contain GABA, which is a type of neurotransmitter that increases sleep and relax, you should consume on a regular basis. [7] Some of these include kefir (a cultured dairy products), kimchi, tea and oolong.

Try exercises that relieve anxiety. Studies have shown that regular exercise relieves symptoms of daily anxiety and also helps in the treatment of anxiety disorders. It improves feelings of well-being both while you exercise and hours afterward. [8] cardio-vascular such as jogging or cycling, as well as weight training and other muscle building exercises only serve the purpose of reducing anxiety.
Consider giving yoga a try. Soothing atmosphere of yoga studios, and an opportunity to be quiet and focused internally for an hour or so, and make that physical activity helps in particular to calm anxiety.
If the thought of the practice itself makes you anxious, try incorporating low physical activity into your routine effect. You do not have to play a team game or join a gym to get enough exercise. Just walk around your neighborhood can go a long way toward enhancing your mood every day. [

The use of deep breathing exercises. And breathe deeply and slowly reduce your stress level immediately. Most people practice shallow chest breathing, draw a breath in the lungs and exhaling at a rapid rate. When we suffer from stress, we tend to breathe more quickly, which stresses us out even more. Instead, focus on breathing from the diaphragm or abdomen. [10] The stomach should balloon up.
Breathing deeply and slowly drawing in the air more than breathing through the lungs would also help lower blood pressure, relax muscles, calm you down.
Trying to breathe in a number of 4, holding the number 3, and breathing for a number of 4. maintaining the total number of breaths to 8 or less in one minute will help to reduce anxiety levels immediately.

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