
Saturday, December 13, 2014

How to Diagnose Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic cancer is an aggressive type of cancer with a poor prognosis that is spreading rapidly and causing a lot of pain in the later stages - digestive enzymes gland leakage to the surrounding tissue and destroy it. [1] However, in the early stages, can cause a few pancreatic cancer (if any) symptoms, so it is difficult to diagnose, which is why he fought so. Early diagnosis is important because there are more treatment options available.
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Watch for jaundice. Can one of the first signs of pancreatic cancer have jaundice, a yellowing of the skin, eyes and mucous membranes due to a lot of bilirubin in the blood. [2] it is more often jaundice associated with liver disease, despite the fact that pancreatic cancer often causes liver and gallbladder to rise, leading to a dysfunction in these nearby devices. Look at the skin and eyes in the mirror well-lit to make sure the color yellow.
Jaundice also cause itching of the skin, so be on the look for that as well.
And called on the parts of the eyes that turn into solid yellow color (from the "white") is not the iris, which is usually colored either brown, blue or green.
To confirm jaundice (yellowing if it is not very clear), your doctor may test the urine of bile or order a blood test.

Take notice of abdominal inflammation. Pancreas gland located below the stomach and intestines behind - pretty much in the middle of your abdomen. Secrete insulin to control blood sugar and digestive enzymes. Can one of the first signs of pancreatic cancer sometimes be a pain in the abdominal diffuse, despite the fact that a lot of people do not feel any pain until the cancer is in advanced stages. [3] If you do your tummy ache go away after a week, contact your doctor.
Sense (Deep touching) the pancreas to swelling of mild to moderate it difficult for doctors to be put gland behind and close to the other devices.
Because pancreatic cancer is often caused by the liver or gallbladder to inflation, which is easier to feel the revealed, it is often misdiagnosed as liver cirrhosis or gall bladder.

Be alert for fatigue and weakness. Last early sign of cancer of the pancreas, and most of the other species, is a general feeling of fatigue, fatigue and weakness. [4] This is because cancer cells tend to use a lot of resources, and burns a lot of energy and trigger the immune system to work harder. As such, it could be the early stages of cancer, you feel like you're about to come down with a viral infection, but without coughing, sneezing, runny nose, etc.
During the early stages of pancreatic cancer, it'll probably be exhausted in the evening, and lose all motivation to exercise or even leaving your home.
Fatigue of cancer usually did not relax too much to get a lot of sleep.
Because the muscles are not getting enough nutrients (glucose) and energy during cancer development, it is likely to feel weak and maybe even a little shaky with normal use.

Be careful of high blood sugar. One of the main functions of the pancreas is to produce insulin, the hormone that transports glucose from the blood and into the cells, so that it can be used for energy. Therefore, when the pancreas is cancerous and dysfunctional, and blood sugar levels tend to be high. [5] when you get the sugar levels in the blood are too high, you feel lethargic (tired and fatigued), thirst, weak, irritable and tend to have more headaches.
It is measured as high blood sugar levels through a simple blood test. You can buy cheap devices at your local pharmacy that can read blood sugar levels if you think you may be the cause.
This includes diabetes reduced insulin production (or reduces sensitivity to it), but not because of habit to cancer. On the other hand, cancer of the pancreas, often leads to diabetes at some point.
There are multiple types actually from pancreatic cancer, depending on what the relevant cells (tumor Gluckgouni, Jaziri, Isle of tumor cells, Vebouma). [6] Some types of trigger diabetes sooner than others.

Look for chronic diarrhea. Another potential marker of early pancreatic cancer is chronic diarrhea, especially if your stool is clay-colored or lighter constantly in color than usual. [7] develops diarrhea with pancreatic cancer because the digestive enzymes are released is not enough in the small intestine to digest food properly and absorb nutrients. Be involved and contact your doctor if a bout of diarrhea lasts longer than a week or so
Another is that pancreatic dysfunction by not produce or release enough of the enzyme digestion of fat is that your stool will look greasy, and smells worse than usual, and tend to float in the toilet guide.
This is due to tenderness in the abdomen, fatigue, diarrhea, and could be the early stages of pancreatic cancer mimic ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and irritable bowel disease.

Suffering from advanced symptoms of pancreatic cancer

Watch for burning pain in the abdomen. It also provides pancreatic cancer, signs and symptoms tend to get more pronounced quickly. One of the first important symptoms of moderate to severe diffuse pain in the upper abdomen is usually described as a burning or gnawing in nature. The pain may also radiate to the mid-back area (thoracic vertebral column). [8] The intense pain is what most pancreatic cancer sends the patient to the doctor for the first time.
This can be caused by severe pain from digestive enzymes destroy surrounding tissue and / or tumor pressing on nearby nerves.
In addition to powerful drugs such as morphine, the doctor may recommend an injection of alcohol in certain nerves in the abdominal area to prevent pain - called the ventral plexus block them.

Take note of severe nausea and vomiting. Another more advanced pancreatic cancer marker is moderate to severe and chronic nausea and vomiting. [10] nausea tend to be relentlessly to some extent because they are candles and falls throughout the day, while the vomiting usually on a daily basis - sometimes several times per day. Eating very difficult and liquids often keeping down can be a challenge with advanced pancreatic cancer becomes.
Severe pain along with the constant of adrenaline and other hormones statement tends to be a cause of nausea and vomiting.
Chronic vomiting can quickly lead to dehydration and loss of electrolytes (mineral salts), which can lead to muscle cramps and severe heart palpitations.

Be aware of the unwanted weight loss. A number of factors may result in weight loss in people who suffer from pancreatic cancer. In general, all kinds of cancer causes the wasting away (cachexia) is due to the amount of energy in cancer cells burning. Moreover, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting make it difficult to eat and maintain a healthy weight. [11] If you lose weight (you'll probably notice it from the face and waist first), see your doctor as soon as you can get checked out.
Even if you can eat and keep it, and your body will find it difficult to absorb nutrients from food because the pancreas does not produce enough digestive enzymes.
This is why often advised enzyme supplementation for patients with pancreatic cancer because it helps in the digestive process and helps to keep the weight.

Using the diagnosis Tsts
Get all the appropriate blood tests. Doctor or oncologist will (cancer specialist) is likely to order a series of blood tests once presented with any or all of the above symptoms. Several types of useful blood tests to help diagnose pancreatic cancer and rule out other causes of abdominal symptoms, such as: complete blood count, liver function tests, bilirubin in the blood and kidney function test and search for various tumor markers [12]
Tumor markers are substances that can sometimes be found in the bloodstream of a patient with cancer. Two of which are related to cancer of the pancreas, called CA 19-9 and carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA).
No lifting of these tumor markers in all people with pancreatic cancer and some who do not have any cancer may contain higher levels for some other reason, so they are not really accurate indicators but is relatively inexpensive and non-invasive to do that is useful in determining whether to discontinue testing.
Look at hormone levels are often useful for some (such as chromogranin A, C-peptide and serotonin) are often high in people suffering from pancreatic cancer.
Make sure you get all the core imaging tests done. Once in the hands of an oncologist, who strongly suspected pancreatic cancer (based on the telltale symptoms and blood tests), and will be implementing a number of imaging tests. It includes common diagnostic tests: CT scan and / or magnetic resonance imaging of abdominal imaging, ultrasound endoscopic pancreatic endoscopic and cholangiopancreatography back (ERCP) [13] Once the test strongly suggests cancer, and conducting more detailed tests to find out whether the cancer has spread - this is called staging methodology.
It uses ultrasound endoscopic device to capture images of the pancreas gland from inside the abdomen. It is sent via the endoscope down the esophagus and into your stomach to take photos. [14]
ERCP endoscope is used to inject dye into the pancreas, and then taken to the abdominal X-ray to highlight the bile ducts and other parts of the gland ..
Consider biopsy to confirm. Once a number of experiments confirmed that it seems to diagnosis of pancreatic cancer, which is the ultimate procedure to make absolutely sure and select the cells that are most involved so-called pancreatic biopsy or tissue sample. [15] biopsies require anesthesia and can be done in three different ways: through the skin, and endoscopic surgery.
Biopsy through the skin (also called fine needle aspiration) involves the introduction of a long, thin, hollow needle through the skin in the abdominal area and in the pancreas gland in order to remove a small piece of tissue / tumor.

Endoscopic biopsy involves the entry for endosco

How to Act when You Have Fever

The're sick and / or have any fever, please treat them with the following instructions below.

Check whether you have a high temperature or not using a thermometer. The average body temperature of a person tends to hover around 37 degrees Celsius (98.6 degrees Fahrenheit), so the fever is the temperature that appears above the class basis.

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Try not to disturb the other members of your family about it so it is very serious. By all means, let them help you whenever possible, but also avoid going too close to them to prevent the spread of potential infection.

Staying home. There is no need to attend work or school. Health condition makes it difficult to pay attention to, and work with the illness of fever may only add pressure on yourself and your body.

Go to sleep. Sleep helps the immune system to recover faster from illness, and spend less energy on waking activities, and that means more energy has contributed to the fight against the disease.

Maintaining the temperature in handy, and check the temperature regularly. Call your doctor or friend if the temperature keeps getting higher and inform them of any other problems you may have, for example, headaches, body aches and loss of appetite.

Snack on crackers. It is recommended to snack on saltines to help decrease irritation.

Use a damp towel. Use this often and dampening with cold water or cold. Apply on the forehead and leave it even starts to run dry. This helps to alleviate any "extreme heat" or warmth uncomfortable on the body by reducing blood flow (by vasoconstriction of blood vessels), thus helping to maintain the temperature.

Keep pill. Sudden pain may occur in the body or head. Keep some medicine to help ease the pain. Panadol For example, effective in relieving pain caused by pain in the body.

Other symptoms. If you have, or these other symptoms talk to your doctor and inform him / her updated each detail: nausea, headache, dizziness, vomiting, violent shaking of the body or hands and slurred speech, and blurred vision, unusual staggering while walking, and / or sudden sleep.

Friday, December 12, 2014

How to Recognize HIV Symptoms

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is the virus that causes AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). Attacking HIV in the immune system, destroying a type of white blood cell that helps the body fight infection and disease. Testing is the only way to determine if you have HIV. There are symptoms to look for that may be a warning that you have an infection.
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Determine if you are suffering from acute fatigue with no reason to interpret. Fatigue can be a sign of many different diseases, but this is a symptom of many people experienced HIV. This presentation must not cause panic and wide if it is the only one that you feel, but this is something to look beyond that. [1]
Acute fatigue is not the same as simply feeling sleepy. Do you feel tired all the time, even after a good night's sleep? Do you find yourself taking more snooze than usual, and avoid strenuous activities because you feel low energy? This type of fatigue is a cause for concern.
If these symptoms persist in a few weeks or months time, be sure to get a test to exclude HIV.

Be on the lookout for fever or excessive sweating night. These symptoms usually occur during the early stages of infection with HIV, through what is called the stage of initial infection or acute HIV infection. Again, a lot of people do not have these symptoms, but those who do not experience them, usually 2-4 weeks after infection with the virus. [2]
Fever and night sweats are also a symptom of the flu and colds. If the flu or the cold season, which may be what you're experiencing.
Chills, muscle aches, sore throat, headaches, which are also a symptom of the flu and colds, and can also be HIV in early infection signals.

Verify that you have swollen glands in the neck, armpit or groin. Swollen lymph nodes in the inflammatory reaction body. This does not happen to everyone who has a primary human immunodeficiency virus, but among those who have symptoms, is a common one. [3]
Lymph glands in the incision tend to swell more than those in the armpits or groin with an HIV infection.
You can swell lymph nodes as a result of many other types of infections, such as colds or flu, so further investigation is necessary to determine the cause.

Note cases of nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. These symptoms, which are usually associated with the flu, and can also indicate the presence of HIV infection early. Access to test whether these symptoms Prusash
Pay attention to the mouth and genital ulcers. If you see a mouth ulcer appears along with other symptoms noticed, especially if you do not usually get mouth ulcers, it may be a sign of initial infection with HIV. Genital ulcers are also an indication that HIV may be present.

Does not negate a dry cough. This symptom occurs in the later stages of HIV, sometimes for many years after he was hired with the virus has been lurking in the body. This presentation apparently harmless easy to ignore at first, especially if it occurs during allergy season or during cough and cold season. If you have a dry cough you just can not seem to kick taking allergy medications or use the inhaler, it may be a symptom of HIV.

Look irregular spots (red, brown, pink, or purple) on the skin. People in the later stages of HIV often get a rash on the skin, especially on the face and trunk. These can also be found in the inside of the mouth and nose. It's a sign that HIV and AIDS in the developing virus. [5]
Flaky, red skin is also a sign of subsequent HIV stage. Spots may also look like dimples or bumps.
The rash is usually not associated with influenza or the common cold, so if you have one at the same time other symptoms, see your doctor immediately.

Attention if you have pneumonia. Pneumonia often affects people's immune systems do not work properly for other reasons. People with it later in the HIV stage likely to get pneumonia germ that would not normally cause such a severe reaction.

Verify that you have a yeast infection, especially in the mouth. Later in HIV patients with stage usually get a yeast infection in the mouth, called thrush. In the case of white-like or other unusual spots on the tongue and inside the mouth spots. This is a warning sign that the immune system is not actually fighting infection.
Study your nails for signs of fungus. Nails that are yellow or brown, which are cracked or chipped, common among later in HIV patients with stage. Nails become more susceptible to fungus, which the body is able to fight under normal conditions.

Determine whether you suffer from rapid weight loss for no known reason. In the early stages of the HIV virus, and it can be caused by excessive diarrhea. In later stages, it is known as "wasted", a physically strong reaction to the presence of the HIV virus in the system.

Be aware of the issues with memory loss, depression, or other neurological diseases. HIV affects the cognitive function of the brain in the later stages. This is a serious symptoms and should we have to look at no matter what.

How to Prevent Hair Loss

Hair loss has multiple possible causes, including diet, lack of minerals, medications, severe stress or disease, pollution, and aware of your genetics. Up to a third of the population suffer from hair loss, then the third, thousands of women. [1] There are no guarantees that you can prevent hair loss, which are genetically programmed, or caused by hair factors that are not within your control loss. However, you can do better than your hair to give it a greater chance to stay in top condition and not leave your head sooner than he needs.

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Limit your use of a hair dryer. Heat weakens hair proteins. Permanent heating and drying can lead to fragility and weakness that can cause hair that would not have occurred unless the loss. [2] The natural drying is best for you hair, so to dry naturally in the heat often drying.
Other devices that heat up your hair, including hot curlers, hot soften hair brushes, and can also have this effect.
If you do not use hot tools Be careful, because the scalp burn down can damage the hair permanently Vlesls

Avoid wrinkles. Crimp refers either networks or chemical straightening chemicals, both of which can damage your hair. It works precisely by breaking the internal links to your hair, and then fix it in a different way to straighten or curl your hair. This weakens the hair, making it dull and dry and brittle. [4] over time can contribute to dry and brittle hair to hair loss.

. Frequent use of hair coloring chemicals increases the chances of serious damage being done to your hair. Never hair color often every 4-6 weeks. When it comes to go gray, it's a lot kinder to your hair to let it turn from gray to dye it.

Do not bleach your hair. Bleaching your hair natural pigment of your skin penetration when removes chemicals. By doing this you are changing your hair structure and make it more susceptible to damage. You make it weaker, even bleaching along with the blow drying and styling can really damage your hair.

Do not pull your hair too tight. Some hairstyles that require rubber or clips pull tight and can be caused by hair loss if done on a daily basis. For example, you can narrow ponytail, tight braids, cornrows, dreadlocks, and lead to significant hair loss when done daily. [6] hair tightly wrapped on reels, especially the hot rollers, would also cause more hair loss. [7]
The medical name for hair loss because of the hairstyles that are too tight, known as "traction alopecia", and it can be prevented quite a reason in and of itself!

Wash hair with a mild shampoo. Washing hair helps to prevent hair loss as it can keep your hair and scalp clean (to prevent chances of injuries which may cause hair loss). You should try not to wash your hair every day, since the shampoo can strip the hair of natural oils - designed for each day at the most. Provided you use a mild shampoo, clean hair and give the impression of more dirty hair volume, which tends to sit flatter and fork on the hair clean.

Choosing the right shampoo for your hair type. And get a good shampoo really help you get a healthy head of hair, so it takes some time to find that consistent with your hair type. [10] matter if you have a soft, dry hair, oily or normal and try a few different ones to find what works. If you have dandruff or color your hair, get a shampoo that is meant specifically for it. [11]
Improve protein shampoos and conditioners that promote size makes hair smoother and thicker temporary as they fill in the gaps in the hair shaft, but do not repair damaged hair.

A look at the ingredients to create a mild shampoo. Can using a mild shampoo helps to maintain a healthy scalp hair. Can check the ingredients in your shampoo will give you a good idea of ​​whether moderate. Avoid anything with sulfate, paraben, and / or alkyl. Search instead for isethionate or glucoside that the first element is still water. [13]
Common ingredients that contribute to the mild shampoo and include sulfosuccinates, sultaines and amphoacetate.
Silicon, polyquaterniums, and "laurel" can be a good conditioning components

Thursday, December 11, 2014

How prevent Back pain

Back pain is one of the most common causes of sick days at work or school, see a doctor. [1] can be caused by this common pain of many things, such as muscle strain, bulging disc, arthritis, and irregularities in the spine, or osteoporosis. [2] In many cases, it is possible to reduce back pain naturally without surgery or drugs.
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Visit a chiropractor. Chiropractor, a specialist dealing with neuromusculoskeletal conditions, particularly those affecting the back, neck and joints. [3] The chiropractor assess your condition and then we will help the spine naturally through a series of alignment adjustments. This is usually painless and require little or no medication. [4] You may need to visit a chiropractor office once or twice a week for 2-4 weeks.
Spine holding a Ph.D. calendar, the year and the completion of a graduate program, and must hold a license wherever they practice it. 28 times less likely to need surgery if they get treatment from a chiropractor instead of a surgeon individuals.

Try acupuncture. Very thin needles into specific points along the body, believed to be either open or control energy currents developed. I have been using acupuncture to treat pain, nausea, fibromyalgia and other situations of pain pain. [6] it has proven to be an effective treatment for chronic low back pain. [7] [8]
Acupuncture carries some risks, and soreness in the first place at the needle site. The use of licensed using sterile needles once acupuncture, so the risk of infection is low. [9] If you have a bleeding disorder, take a blood clot, or you have a pacemaker, make sure you allow for the treatment of acupuncture Lucknow

Get a professional massage. Do not try to give yourself a massage. You can do more damage. Instead, find a massage therapist trained and licensed. During the massage therapy, the processor using different degrees of pressure on the areas of muscle pain and spasm. This pressure of the fingers, hands and joints, muscles or signal elbow to relax.
Studies have shown that massage therapy can reduce back pain and increase range of motion and flexibility. [11] it also gives pain relief [12] [13], by increasing the blood and muscles relax and blood circulation, increase natural pain relievers levels. [

Try physical therapy. This can reduce lower back pain while increasing your mobility. In this process, and the training of professional physiotherapy manipulate your back, give you specific exercises to strengthen your back, and give you tips to prevent back pain, as well as special training on how to prevent back pain. [15]
Physical therapy works without medication or surgery.

The use of herbs. Many herbs have anti-inflammatory properties. Use the following herbs in cooking, tea, or as a supplement. If you complete, follow the manufacturer's instructions. Try these herbs:
Willow Park
Turmeric: 400-600mg three times a day
Ginger: 500-600mg twice in de

Make a poultice to relieve pain. Slowly Big Ten tablespoons of mixture of bentonite clay with 20 tablespoons of distilled water at room temperature. Stir in 2 drops of essential oils or 1 teaspoon of herbal anti-inflammatory. The mixture will have the consistency of mud. Publication of the mixture on a piece of clean cotton cloth or towel until the mixture ¼ "thick.
Make sure to leave room around the edges of the cloth and cotton to make it easier to apply.

The application of a poultice. Try to apply a poultice cold or at room temperature to see the best for you. CMD cover with a towel to keep it in place. Maintain a poultice for 30 minutes at a time, checking to make sure that the mud is not dry. Removing the poultice before it dries the mud to avoid dry skin. You can repeat this process, and the application of a poultice for a total of two hours.
Before you try any of these on your back sore, test a small area of ​​the skin. Wait ten minutes and wash poultice. Verify that you have a skin rash or irritation. If there is no irritation, apply a poultice. If there is some irritation, try another herb.

Wear comfortable clothes. When you're ready to stretch your back, be sure to wear comfortable clothes where you can easily move in that will enable you to stretch and increase the focus on the stretch easily. Talk to your doctor or therapist before exercise to relieve the pain.
You can stretch your back door daily preparation warm up or a particular activity. Can stretch the muscles actually helps to relieve the tension that may cause back pain.

Extends the upper part of the back. Relax the back muscles. Muscles can go into spasm, leading to back pain. You can help prevent this by relaxing and then gently stretch your back. Repeat up to three times a day. [16] try some of these stretches to target the upper part of your back